Best Songs to Learn French - Episode 5: Oublier (Part 3/3)

Best Songs to Learn French - Episode 5: Oublier (Part 3/3)

Is it possible to learn useful French expressions with songs? Yes, it is! In this series of blog posts called "Best Songs to Learn French (#bstlf on Instagram)", we explain the meaning of everyday French expressions with the help of songs. You will learn French idioms that you should definitely know. We try to make learning French fun and enjoyable for all students, whether they are beginners or have a higher level.


Besides you'll learn one useful expression in each article we will post in this series, you'll discover many ways of using them in different contexts (songs in this case) so that it will help your brain to remember better due to the repetition and the emotion trigger of the music. Moreover, by listening the whole song, you'll discover many new words and expressions you might understand or even learn. To be able to listen to each song and read the lyrics, you only need to click on each picture. The link will redirect you to YouTube, in a new tab.

If you missed the first two parts of the episode 5 Oublier, please click on this link to follow this lesson in song from the beginning.

 Let's get started!

🎶 Angèle ft Roméo Elvis - Tout oublier (2018)

This song is a duet between Angèle with her brother Roméo Elvis. It relates about happiness and that anyone could be happy if they really want. It's just you should forget the "spleen" which is the melancoly from things that happen to people in their past. That's why the folliwing-up expression is: "Tout, il faudrait tout oublier. Pour y croire, il faudrait tout oublier". (You'd have to forget everything. To believe (in happiness), you'd have to forget everything)
Capture d'écran des paroles

🎶 Angèle : Oui ou Non (2018)

In this song, Angèle is talking about her boyfriend, but he seems not really involved in their relation. He's okay for a non-serious intimate relationship, but nothing more. Angèle would like to live a serious romantic relationship with him. That's why, she says: "J'vais devoir t'oublier". (I'll have to forget you)

Capture d'écran des paroles


🎶 Céline Dion - On ne Change Pas (1998)

On ne change pas is a song by Céline Dion. Céline Dion is telling us that we can pretend to be someone else, using masks for hidding our real personality. However, our natural remains and people will discover who we really are. The expression "On n'oublie jamais, on a toujours un geste, qui trahit qui l'on est" describes perfectly this. (You never forget, there's always a gesture that betrays who you are)

Capture d'écran des paroles 

That's it for the third and last part of this episode. Tell me in the comments what you think about this series. Would you like more of these? Have you a favourite singer or a song you love that you want me to introduce in the next episodes, feel free to let me know by writing a comment below.

Thank you for reading this post until the end. Enjoy learning French with the songs. And remember: "Language learning should ALWAYS be FUN!"

Article written by Mickael. Follow me on Instagram @The French Polyglot to find out when new episodes are published.

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